Rhaphidophora tetrasperma is a tropical plant that grows extremely well indoors. This plant is in the family of Araceae neither Monstera nor Philodendron and prefers climbing rather than hanging.
Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Monstera Minima Philodendron Etsy Philodendron Monstera Monstera Deliciosa Source: www.pinterest.com
However its an entirely different species with much smaller leaves and.

Philodendron tetrasperma. The green leafy plant has split leaves that make it look like a Monstera deliciosa or type of Philodendron. Rhaphidophora tetrasperma is a rare exotic climbing aroid. And I laugh and say it is not a monstera.
A member of the aroid tribe Monstereae Rhaphidophora tetrasperma is a native of Thailand and Malaysia that was identified to science in 1893. Last Updated on October 28 2021 by Sophie. Based on the information available Rhaphidophora tetrasperma is somewhat more closely related to the genus Monstera than Philodendron as some discussions on the internet attempt to imply.
It grows 6-inch split lobes depending on the supply of bright indirect light. Although Rhaphidophora tetrasperma is also a. Rhaphidophora tetrasperma is also confused as another plant of its family ie.
Its leaves look like miniatures of another plant Monstera deliciosa which is why its commonly referred to as mini monstera. In fact the Rhaphidophora tetrasperma is mistakenly called a Mini monstera Ginny philodendron or Philodendron Piccolo. Philodendron Ginny Mini Monstera Philodendron Piccolo these are all the same plant the popular Rhaphidophora tetraspermaThis highlights the problem with common names they can be extremely confusing and many new R.
Also known as the Mini Monstera the Philodendron Minima is a vining plant with small glossy green leaves that develop fenestrations as they mature. Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma commonly known as the Mini Monstera or Philodendron Ginny is a tropical vine with aerial roots that is easy to care for and will reward you with fast growth. In contrast to.
A native of Thailand and Indonesia this vining evergreen grows very quickly and is simple to propagate. Tetrasperma philodendron minima and monstera minima are misnomers that keep being used for some reason. Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma also known as Mini Monstera PhilodendronMonstera Ginny or Philodendron Piccolo is a unique species of plants originating from Malaysia and Southern Thailand.
The Rhapidophora tetrasperma technically doesnt belong to the Monstera or the Philodendron family but as mentioned simply share in their looks. How to take care of the Rtetrasperma plant. It is a species of plant with different genus called Rhaphidophora however is part of the same family of.
Faktanya Rhaphidophora tetrasperma sering disebut sebagai Monstera Mini Philodendron Ginny atau Philodendron Piccolo. Rhaphidophora tetrasperma is also referred to as Epipremnum Ginny or Ginnie and Philodendron Ginny. In nature the rhaphidophora tetrasperma is almost never found growing on the ground.
Tanaman berdaun hijau ini memiliki daun yang terbelah sehingga terlihat seperti Monstera deliciosa atau sejenis Philodendron. Tetrasperma owners may know their plant by a totally different name. The Rhaphidophora tetrasperma is not related to montera or philodendron and neither species grows native in Southeast Asia.
A member of the aroid tribe Monstereae Rhaphidophora tetrasperma is a native of Thailand and Malaysia that was identified to science in 1893. However the Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma is not actually a type of Monstera at all despite how similar the leaves might look. An Asiatic aroid species there are no Philodendron or Monstera species found naturally in Asia and no Rhaphidophora species found naturally in Mexico Central America South America and the Caribben.
Its neither an Epipremnum nor a Philodendron and in fact not even closely related to these genera. Although these plants are part of the Araceae family they belong to an independent genus known as Rhaphidophora. Therefore this plant is also called as split leaves Philodendron or Philodendron Ginny.
Supply it with a moss pole or plant tape for support. Rhaphidophora tetrasperma This easy-care beauty is presently hard to find but well worth the search. Growth on this plant is fast and its ease of care makes a highly sought after plant in the market.
Short to medium height and a low-maintenance are the key features for its popularity as a houseplant. Widely referred to as Monstera Minima Philodendron Ginny and Philodendron Piccolo Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma goes by many names. Mini Monstera Dwarf Monstera Philodendron GinnyBotanical Name.
Just like the members of the cousin genus Philodendron these plants are highly toxic. Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Mini monstera Philodendron Ginny Philodendron Piccolo Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma is a desirable tropical houseplant displaying a characteristic split-leaf formation. Named for looking just like a Monstera Deliciosa or Split Leaf Philodendron at a miniature scale these leaves wont get bigger than 12 they share many.
The evergreen vining plant is native to Malaysia and Southern Thailand. People commonly me some tips about Monstera tetrasperma care. Rhaphidophora tetrasperma adalah tanaman hias tropis yang tumbuh sangat baik di dalam ruangan.
Complete details about Rhaphidophora tetrasperma the Mini Monstera. Rhaphidophora tetrasperma is a unique plant from the Araceae family. Thus keep your kids and pets away from the tetraspora plants.
The Minima is found in Southern Thailand and Malaysia as opposed to the Monstera and Philodendron species who generally reside in Central and South America. The common appearance of these plants has led to many home gardeners struggling to keep the diminutive but attractive plant growing well. Propagarion mayoii tetrasperma Ang video na ito ay ipapakita ko kung pano ako magpropagate Ng akong mga halaman at kung pano kulo sila paramimihin sa pama.
Interestingly this plant technically doesnt belong to the Monstera or the Philodendron family simply share in their looks. The deep green leaves on the Philodendron Ginny Rhaphidophora tetrasperma look like a smaller version of the Monstera deliciosa. Commonly mistaken for Monstera and Philodendron this small delicate sub-species of the Araceae family is.
Although Rhaphidophora Monstera and Philodendron are all. Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma is neither a Philodendron nor Monstera and it is also not Amydrium but shares siblingship with them. Plantspropagation propagation mayoii tetrasperma This video ay ituturo ko kung paano mag propagate Ng Mayoii at tetrasperma philodendron plants.
Commonly called the Mini Monstera because of its miniature versions of. The glossy green heart-shaped leaves develop beautiful fenestrations during development.
Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Monstera Minima Philodendron Etsy Philodendron Plant Leaves Monstera Source: www.pinterest.com
Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma 6 Inch House Plants Philodendron Plant Leaves Source: tr.pinterest.com
Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Philodendron Ginny In 2021 Philodendron Plant Leaves Water Lighting Source: www.pinterest.com
Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Philodendron 6 Pot In 2021 House Plants Decor Hanging Plants Plant Goals Source: www.pinterest.com
Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Mini Monstera Philodendron Ginny Established Plant Plants Philodendron Philodendron Monstera Source: www.pinterest.com
Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Philodendron Minima Little Monstera Mini Monstera Plants Philodendron Alocasia Plant Source: www.pinterest.com